Get Your Free Heuristic Evaluation Template

Jason Ogle
Nov 16, 2023

If you’re a UX Practitioner, you may or may not (yet) know how important conducting Heuristic Evaluations (HE) are for uncovering, documenting and presenting sometimes severe to catastrophic UI problems at a system level.

While Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics are absolutely timeless principles for optimal software experiences, there’s never really been an optimal way of capturing, organizing, measuring and presenting these findings…until now.

I created this super-effective HE template and Luke Johnson brought it to life with his wizarding formulas, and I’m offering it to the UX community for FREE.

Please share this out to your UX friends, as I know the UX community at large will greatly benefit from having and using this.

Keep making things better by making better things!



Jason Ogle

Host of User Defenders: Podcast. Human. Designer. Story-Catcher. Deep-Diver. Husband + Father x 7. Has a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe.